THANK YOU for your response to our recent renewal program “Building on Our Past - Securing Our Future!”
I am humbled and grateful for your continued commitment to St. Vincent De Paul Church. Our parish remains vibrant, engaged, and Christ-centered in the Eucharist and in serving one another because of your generosity.
God’s work is never done! Your prayerful response both materially and spiritually is setting the groundwork as we advance our plan for the future and continue our critical ministries and service programs. St. Vincent De Paul Church continues to grow as a strong, faith-filled stewardship community because of parishioners like you!
Link to Building On Our Past - Securing Our Future
Dear Parishioners & Friends of SVdP,
As you know, each year the San Francisco Archdiocese assesses each parish with a monetary figure that helps fund the work of the Catholic Church and Cathedral in greater San Francisco. This is money that we as a parish send directly to the Archdiocese and is above and beyond your weekly envelope/tithing. This year, SVDP’s assessment is $92, 999 and we must meet this goal before 12/31/2025.
To help, you can:
1.) Use the donation link below.
2.) If you put a check in the Sunday Collection, please put “2025 AAA” in the
memo line.
3.) Contact the Parish Office at (415) 922-1010.
Fr. Arturo Albano
Sat. Vigil 5:15pm
Sun. 8am, 10am,
Noon & 5:15pm
Mon-Sat 8:15am
Rectory Hours
8am to 4pm